Photo by Kyle Russell / 120mm Portra

Photo by Kyle Russell / 120mm Portra

About Emilia Wronski

WRONA: (PL) - translation: crow

Emilia Wronski was born of crows blood, sea salt, and no fear of flight. She began her photographic journey documenting the wild adventures she'd find herself in. From camping in the bush of Africa to ripping small scooters in South East Asia, a camera was always in hand. She fell into outdoor, action sport, and lifestyle photography organically -documenting friends and strangers alike; and with that, came the products they used and loved along the way. Her cinematic style of photography focuses on documentary and lifestyle; with interests ranging from board sports and wildlife to motorcycles and cars. Her ethos is "wild, not mild” - seeking the wilder stories and adventures in life and using her camera to amplify untold stories.

Follow the crow. For she might not know where her next destination will be, but she knows she will fly with fearless vigor to get there - with or without the help of the wind.